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Profil. 2 questions

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Féminin Messages : 62

Profil. 2 questions Empty
1. I want to know how this page do for in the profil put a button, its says "MORE?" and if you do click in it, show information... if you click in the button again, the information disappear.

2. I want to know the code of the table to appear when you doing click on "MORE?" (the tables tittle is: " Pouvoirs "). And i want to know if that table information can do change for the user only write the information isn't saw the code for the table.

Thanks ^^
MessageSujet: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyVen 18 Déc 2009, 08:08
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Pika'Ghøst~ Maîtresse des pelles ~
~ Maîtresse des pelles ~

Féminin Messages : 3193

Profil. 2 questions Empty
Hiii =D

For the first one, if I remember it's something with the templates, but I don'T know how to do it.
For the second one, if I have understood correctly... you want that the user can be able to change the information in the tables as he wants, right?
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyVen 18 Déc 2009, 17:21
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Féminin Messages : 62

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Iko' a écrit:
Hiii =D

For the second one, if I have understood correctly... you want that the user can be able to change the information in the tables as he wants, right?

Yes, i can do it for PA> Users and Groups> Profil> Profil. 2 questions Ajouter (add profil)> and put de code in "text for defect".

But, i want that when the users change theirs profiles they insn't see the code of that table.. do you understand me? The users only will see their informartion that they wrote.
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptySam 19 Déc 2009, 07:49
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Féminin Messages : 62

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MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyDim 20 Déc 2009, 16:54
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Pika'Ghøst~ Maîtresse des pelles ~
~ Maîtresse des pelles ~

Féminin Messages : 3193

Profil. 2 questions Empty
Eeehm if I understand, you want that only the user will be able to see what they have written in the table >.<
If it's not that, I don't understand so eh do you have a screen capture or something to help me~?
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyDim 20 Déc 2009, 19:20
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Féminin Messages : 62

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No =/

Well... i want the user no see no table code when their edit the table information...
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyLun 21 Déc 2009, 09:57
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Masculin Messages : 1378

Profil. 2 questions Empty

Ça va Iko', tu t'en sors ?
Sinon, traduis nous pour que l'on vous aide ^^
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyVen 25 Déc 2009, 16:44
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Féminin Messages : 62

Profil. 2 questions Empty

Je veux savoir comment ce site Web crée un bouton qui dit "More?" Et cliquez sur elle pour donner, c'est de plus amples renseignements et pour redonner Sile ces informations ick au bouton disparaît.

2. Je connais les tables de codes que le sel en cliquant sur "More?" (CSS-Actif, mais a également pour Bulletin)
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptySam 26 Déc 2009, 12:14
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Masculin Messages : 1378

Profil. 2 questions Empty

Est-ce que la demande est toujours d'actualité ?
Merci d'avance pour la réponse.
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyMer 06 Jan 2010, 16:00
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Masculin Messages : 1378

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N'ayant pas de nouvelles ... Je classe la demande.
MessageSujet: Re: Profil. 2 questions   Profil. 2 questions EmptyMer 13 Jan 2010, 15:59
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Contenu sponsorisé

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