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Gallery of an angel without wings

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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty

Gallery of Lylinee

Graphic Name :
Lady M
et d'autres

Software used :
Photofiltre Studio

Creation :
Icons 100x100 (pas beaucoup)
Avatar 200x320
Signature 500x300, 500x203, 500x250
Header 782x319, 750x450, ....

Calendrier Spécial Harry Potter

/!\ Attention : Si vous voullez prendre une créa sans créditation dessus, merci de la créditer au nom de Lylinee.

Certaines créations sont anciennes, d'autres sont plus récentes.
MessageSujet: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 15:53
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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty
Les Avatars

○○ Célébrité Féminine
♥ Selena Gomez :
Gallery of an angel without wings Sel111 Gallery of an angel without wings Sel211 Gallery of an angel without wings Sel312 Gallery of an angel without wings Sel411 Gallery of an angel without wings Sel511

○○ Célébrité Masculine
♥ Robert Pattinson
Gallery of an angel without wings Vavaro11 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavaro10

♥ Rupert Grint
Gallery of an angel without wings Vavaro10

♥ Tom Felton
Gallery of an angel without wings 110102081445209287

○○ Film / Serie / Comédie Musicale
♥ Gossip Girl
Gallery of an angel without wings 110103082353663033

♥ Harry Potter
Gallery of an angel without wings Vavaai10 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamc10 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavano10 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavain10 Gallery of an angel without wings 10123104063690235

♥ Mozart l'Opéra Rock
Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamo10 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamo11 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamo12 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamo13 Gallery of an angel without wings Vavamo14
MessageSujet: Re: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 15:56
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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty
Les Icons

○○ Célébrité Féminine :

○○ Célébrité Masculine :

○○ Film / Séries / Comédie Musicale :
♥ Mozart l'Opéra Rock :
Gallery of an angel without wings 110102071428601685
MessageSujet: Re: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 15:56
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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty
Les Signatures

○○ Célébrité Féminine :

○○ Célébrité Masculine :

○○ Film / Séries / Comédie Musicale :
♥ Mozart l'Opéra Rock :
MessageSujet: Re: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 15:58
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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty
Les Headers

○○ Célébrité Féminine :
♥ Michelle Trachtenberg :

○○ Célébrité Masculine :

○○ Film / Séries / Comédie Musicale :
MessageSujet: Re: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 15:59
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Féminin Messages : 98

Gallery of an angel without wings Empty
Les Calendriers

○○ Spécial Harry Potter (640x480) :
MessageSujet: Re: Gallery of an angel without wings   Gallery of an angel without wings EmptyMer 05 Jan 2011, 16:00
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Contenu sponsorisé

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Gallery of an angel without wings

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