When you pass the mouse... all change Bouton_activeWhen you pass the mouse... all change Bouton_hoverWhen you pass the mouse... all change Fb-hoverWhen you pass the mouse... all change Fb-active
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» Système d'onglets simple et personnalisable
When you pass the mouse... all change EmptyLun 03 Juin 2024, 17:20 par birds

» Fiche de Présentation RPG
When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 30 Mar 2024, 22:07 par Peyton972

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» Avatar centré dans le profil
When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 11 Fév 2023, 06:04 par Krager

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When you pass the mouse... all change

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Féminin Messages : 62

When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
I want to know the code of these efects:

1. Wfwp: in the table... when you pass the mouse by id" the table's text change... change when you pass it by "Poke team" or by te pokemons in there too

2. Princeton Look the staff.. pass the mouse by the images... *·* i love it Very Happy

3. Test Graph: When you pass the mouse by "Accueil", "Personnages", "Évènemets", "Le Forum", "Invités", "Petit" or ""Crédits" and show diferent information... i think that the admin don't finish the code.. but some rectangles are visibles (and they should are invisibles).

4. Hanaraki Academy: when you pass the mouse by the navigation bar... well... you can look that xDD is pretty Very Happy

5. Last Memories: Using arrows by move the text.... when you pass the mouse by the arrows the text up and down... Very Happy
MessageSujet: When you pass the mouse... all change   When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 03 Avr 2010, 21:10
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{ Membre hyper-actif }
{ Membre hyper-actif }

Féminin Messages : 1538

When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
Hello ^^

This is not a demand of help but a demand of code. Please for it wait for the opening of the section " Demands of code ".

It's twice that I say it to you. Be carefull. Wink

Je class.
MessageSujet: Re: When you pass the mouse... all change   When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 03 Avr 2010, 21:20
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Féminin Messages : 62

When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
And when will open that section???
MessageSujet: Re: When you pass the mouse... all change   When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 03 Avr 2010, 21:32
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{ Membre hyper-actif }
{ Membre hyper-actif }

Féminin Messages : 1538

When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
When the commands in wait will be ended.

So be patient, We work as fast as possible.
MessageSujet: Re: When you pass the mouse... all change   When you pass the mouse... all change EmptySam 03 Avr 2010, 21:37
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When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
MessageSujet: Re: When you pass the mouse... all change   When you pass the mouse... all change Empty
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When you pass the mouse... all change

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